

Spine Compression Fractures Treatment

Pain and Spine Specialists of New York offer a revolutionary, minimally invasive procedure known as Vertebroplasty. This procedure provides effective relief for those suffering from spinal pain caused by compression fractures in the spine.

Pain and Spine Specialists are committed to delivering optimal care that is both reliable and efficient, so if you're living with chronic spinal pain due to a compression fracture, consider this breakthrough procedure.

Vertebroplasty is fast, taking less time than other procedures while providing longer-lasting relief.

woman chiropractor explains the procedure to her patient who is an elderly woman

Vertebroplasty Q&A

We will get details about your condition, discuss your needs and expectations, and complete a medical examination. If Vertebroplasty is not indicated for you, our pain management and regenerative medicine can help with many other treatments.

  • What is a spinal compression fracture?

    Spinal compression fractures are often due to cancer or osteoporosis. This painful condition causes spinal deformity and limits movement.

  • Is vertebroplasty safe and effective?

    Yes! The procedure is usually performed outpatient, with IV or local anesthesia, and most people do not have complications.