Hormone Replacements


Balance Your Hormone Levels

Hormone replacement can help restore the quality of life that declines with aging. If you feel tired or are unable to do activities because of lack of energy, muscle loss, degenerative disease, or weight, hormone replacement can help.

Natural hormones are essential to our health, and they regulate our vital systems. But as we age, our bodies make less of them. Pain & Spine Specialists use bioidentical hormones (BHRT) that are the same as your natural hormones. You can rest assured knowing that they are safe.

We will do a thorough examination, including bloodwork, to determine your current hormone levels. If you are deficient or unbalanced, BHRT may be right for you!

adult couple happily enjoying time together sitting on the sofa

Hormone Replacements Q&A

We will get details about your condition, discuss your needs and expectations, and complete a medical examination. Our health and wellness procedures can help you in many ways to feel better.

  • What conditions does BHRT help?

    BHRT can help many conditions, including:● Aging.● Energy loss.● Weight gain.● Menopause.● Reduced muscle mass.● Degenerative diseases.● Sexual dysfunction.● Weakened immune systems.● Depression.● Stress.● Skin problems.● Cognitive decline.● Insomnia.● And more!

  • Is BHRT safe?

    Absolutely! We use only natural hormones that are safe and effective.

  • Is BHRT for both men and women?

    Yes. Men and women have different optimal levels and hormones, and we adjust treatment accordingly for your needs.

  • How long until I see results?

    This depends on your current levels, the type of hormones, and other factors. However, many patients feel better after a few days, and others between one and two weeks.


Sexual Health Treatments

We have many different treatments that can help. Please click on each treatment to know more about it.