

PRP Facials

Pain & Spine Specialists offers PRP facials which are popular amongst our clients for their incredible rejuvenating effect. This anti-aging treatment is much more effective than a traditional facial.

Our facials use concentrated platelet-rich plasma from your blood to harness your body’s natural healing power to reduce lines and wrinkles, tighten your skin, and enhance texture.

In addition to their anti-aging effects, PRP facials work to reduce acne scars, hyperpigmentation, skin tone, and dryness. This procedure is safe, effective, and natural.

smiling older lady with blonde hair caresses her smooth skin

Facials Q&A

We will get details about your condition, discuss your needs and expectations, and complete a medical examination. Our aesthetic procedures can help you in many ways to look & feel better.

  • How is the PRP serum made?

    It is made from a small amount of your blood. We will draw blood, filter it and then create a PRP serum to use in your facial. It only takes a few minutes.

  • Does it hurt?

    There is minimal discomfort as we draw your blood and then when we deliver the PRP serum to the treatment areas. We apply a local anesthetic, and you may take an aspirin before the procedure.

  • How long do the results last?

    Results may last a year or two, and you may repeat the procedure at that time.


Aesthetics Treatments

We have many different treatments that can help. Please click on each treatment to know more about it.